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Curriculum Review Roadshow with Becky Francis - a summary

Updated: Nov 10, 2024

I opened up Autumn 2 by attending the Curriculum Review Roadshow with Becky Francis (a prominent British educational researcher and the current Chief Executive of the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF). Becky has been tasked with the Curriculum Review for the new Labour government.

Along with around 90 other delegates we explored, debated and discussed what is currently working and not working curriculum-wise. We listened, communicated, laughed, cried and all in between. 

If you have not already done so please have your say on the curriculum review. The deadline is the 22nd November. The Call for Evidence is wanting to hear from parents, children, young people, educators and business owners. The panel encourages you to focus only on the compulsory questions and answer any others at your discretion. Please don’t feel overwhelmed; simply contribute where you wish and keep responses concise.

Here is the link to the Curriculum Review Call for Evidence so I encourage you to get involved! 

Here are my main takeaways from the in-person event:

  • The panel seek to place a “social justice lens to everything” they are doing

  • They aim to focus on SEND and those with protected characteristics - those that they believe are "struggling most with the current system."

  • In speaking of her choice of panel members Becky Francis said “I’ve tried to avoid tokenism”

  • Becky was emphatic that the review will be data and research informed

  • The review will be about “evolution not revolution” and will avoid scrapping and starting again. Becky stated that “our system is largely not broken, there are many things that are working”

  • Becky also shared her understanding that they are “well aware of the lack of capacity for large change”. She went on to explain that they “are aware the profession are tired and stretched” and that they are “being mindful of what the profession can withstand” in terms of change

  • She said “we want to ensure a consultative response”. There are several in-person panel events along with online sessions and the call for evidence in survey form (so lots of ways to get involved!)

Here are some of the comments from the delegates:

  • “What isn’t assessed is ignored” - there was a real sense of imbalance. It was acknowledged that the curriculum offers content for all subjects but with a focus on testing and an obsession with maths and literacy the foundation and creative curriculum content is barely being touched 

  • “There is a real lack of resources that convey diversity and inclusion” - there were many comments on the lack of diversity and inclusion in the curriculum with many worrying that it would be added to the curriculum with no budget to buy resources to deliver it - for example books for literacy with a range of protagonists

  • How can changes in the curriculum support me with the challenges we face to support children with SEND?” There was much concern over large numbers of children finding access to the current curriculum impossible. Becky responded to the concern over SEND support by saying “the curriculum is currently overstretched, if we succeed in paring back even slightly that will give flex to the classroom teacher”

  • Poor kids don’t need more art they need more maths and literacy” (more on this bold and contentious opinion in my upcoming book!) - a few delegates felt the request for more creativity in the curriculum was misjudged and chaos-causing

Becky then presented the common themes from the in-person event:

What seems to be going well?

  • Variety

  • Standards

  • Entitlement to a curriculum - ensuring the same for all

  • Phonics/reading

  • Interesting content

  • Teacher agency

What is not going well?

  • Overloaded curriculum 

  • Teaching to exams

  • Too much assessment

  • Post 16 resources lacking

  • Lack of content: civic skills, climate and sustainability

In the closing statement it was confirmed that on the 22nd November the Call for Evidence doors will close with the review moving onto the next stage - hearing from specialists. Keep your eyes peeled for this call. We will share the link as soon as we receive more information.

If you need advice or staff training on anything mentioned in this article please check out our Education Support and Training page or contact us here.


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