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Stix Mindfulness - a review

We at Mindfulness for learning were lucky enough to try out Stix Mindfulness, “The device that teaches children how to manage their feelings and emotions” and winner of the GOLD Junior Design Award and the Innovations in Mindfulness Award 2024. 

The Stix are priced at £159 and come in two soothing pastel colours—blue and purple—that are easy on the eye. As mentioned on the website “Each Stix set includes two remotes, a double-headed charger, and access to the free Stix app with our growing library of mindfulness activities.” 

The Stix guide children through mindfulness practices using audio instructions and light up to indicate that they are switched on. The lights pulse on and off to assist with breathing regulation. I used them at home with my two children, aged 11 and 7, one of whom is pressure sensitive and experiences anxiety. Additionally, I tried them with my reception class at school and in our 1:1 wellbeing tutoring sessions.

What we loved about them at home:

Stix offers several notable benefits, especially for at-home use with children. It's concrete design makes it a physical tool that can easily fit into a box of tools for children, promoting hands-on interaction. The product is linked to technology, adding a modern twist, and comes in a bright, appealing model that is both visually engaging and comfortable to hold. Its design is inclusive, making it suitable for primary-aged children, ensuring that all feel they can benefit.

A standout feature is how they visually signal mindfulness activity, helping parents understand when not to disturb their children. This practical aspect makes it easier to integrate mindfulness into daily routines.

My children preferred the press-and-hold feature, which allowed them to easily access random mindfulness practices with minimal effort. However, the app is inviting and simple to use, offering features that let children track their usage of the techniques with engaging monster characters. Depending on the structure of your family routines, the app might be more beneficial and preferred over the press-and-hold feature. Both options have their place and can complement each other effectively. 

What we loved about them at school:

As I took the Stix out of the mindfulness bag from Mindfulness for Learning’s Mindful Mo bag, a wave of excitement filled the room. Children eagerly sat up on their knees, exclaiming, “Ooooh, what's that?!” Even the support staff showed curiosity and wanted to know where they could buy them. I invited a child to come to the front to press and hold the buttons. Since we need permission to download apps at school, we were unable to try the app in the classroom but this could be a great add on if you purchase the Stix for full time use.

The voice guiding the mindfulness practices wasn't audible to the entire class, but the child holding the Stix followed the instructions, which the rest of the class observed attentively. After the unveiling, during free play, I was quickly surrounded by children eager to try the product. Each child took a turn, and one mentioned that the Stix made him feel “excited, calm, and happy.”

As a teacher, I believe that if the budget allowed, a pair of Stix would be a wonderful addition to each class’s Calm Corner. They would serve as a tangible reminder of a strategy for self-regulation. Initially, some modelling would be necessary to ensure they are used carefully and shared. However, once the initial excitement settled, the Stix would become a valuable part of the class’s mindfulness toolkit.

How we used them in our 1:1 Wellbeing Tutoring

As a tutor of our 1:1 Child Wellbeing Sessions at Mindfulness for learning I found the Stix to be a wonderful way to conclude our wellbeing sessions and introduce mindfulness techniques in a fresh and engaging manner. The Stix are particularly effective for children aged 6-8, who may feel too old for our mindfulness puppet but too young for a guided meditation. The variety and light-up features made it a special and enjoyable activity for our sessions.

We are excited to announce that we will be recording a podcast with Founder of Stix Mindfulness Liam Murphy in June!


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